If you have lower back pain, you’re not alone. In fact, the American Chiropractic Association estimates 31 million Americans suffer from back pain at any given time each year. Back pain is the,
- Leading cause of disability worldwide
- Most common reason people miss work
- Second most common reason people go to the doctor’s office
Yoga may be able to help with both pain relief and the prevention of future injuries. The American College of Physicians in 2017 and a study by Consumer Reports National Research Center, concluded that yoga is among the top recommended non-drug treatment choices for back pain. Another study indicated yoga might be more effective than physical therapy for treating back pain.
If you’re suffering from back pain, these three moves might help, according to an article in Consumer Reports:
- Knee to Chest

- Wide Leg & Arms Baby Cobra

- Warrior I

- Restorative Yoga is also recommended to ease back pain. The mental and physical relaxation encountered during a Restorative Yoga class helps calm tight muscles. And, according to the Spinal Research Foundation, many people experience immediate back pain relief from practicing these supported reclining poses.

We offer online LIVE Yoga classes in different levels/ styles. Click here to see our full schedule.