Every Wednesdays from 11:45 – 12:45 pm. BY DONATION, CASH OR VENMO ONLY.
A fast-paced, fully balanced class which includes asana warm-up, chanting, setting of intention, Surya namaskar, standing poses, backbends, forward bends, twists, inversions, meditation and relaxation (Savasana) packed into 60 minutes.
This class has a structured sequence and will be the same each week, this offers the student to familiarize themselves with the sequence of the class for hastening their depth of practice.
Perfect for a person who works from home, makes their own schedule, is on the go, or gets their practice in on a lunch break!
April spent her youth and young adulthood living the life of a ballerina. It was there that she began cultivating the tools she would need later in life in her yoga practice. Cultivating discipline and awareness of the subtle energies of the body, using music and movement as a focus inward while learning that the breath would calm the mind and body for rehearsal, performance, endurance, as well as longevity all, assisted her in developing the tools necessary for the yoga practice which is so dear to her today. Dancing, for her, was like “trying to touch God..”
However, it was the birth of her child which opened her for the first time to experience the Divine Mother’s, unconditional love. Shortly after, in 2003 she became a disciple of Paramahansa Yogananda studying and practicing Raja (popularly known as Ashtanga) and Kriya Yogas. Later, in 2009 adding the love of Asana (physical postures) as maintenance for the body she attained her 200hr teaching certification. Currently, April is completing her Jivamukti Spiritual warrior class teacher training. Along with conducting yoga classes, April is a Bodyworker and Energy practitioner and brings this expertise into all her classes. April strives for kindness to all and has a knowing that we are all a part of the same Consciousness which is pure love and acceptance.
April enjoys assisting others in their yoga practice in the hopes to hold a sacred space for them to deepen their practice and perhaps even experience their own “touching God”. Om Shanti Hari Om