There aren’t too many (healthy) instant mood-changers than music. The right song can make (or sometimes break) your hour or even your day.
Particular music is chosen to enhance our experiences on elevators, in supermarkets and while waiting just about anywhere.
Who hasn’t rocked out while in traffic and felt a little better?
It’s not surprising that music classes and kids go together like peanut butter and jelly.
It’s a complementary fit, and anyone with a small child has seen the almost-instantaneous benefits of the right music’s effect on a temper tantrum.
But did you know that music also has benefits for your children beyond the instant-sooth or the fun march-around-the-room good time?
This NPR article shows how music teaches and motivates all of us—something I think we can all get around!
Bring the tykes in your life to move (your own, someone you watch, or a niece, nephew, cousin or friend) and shake and sing-a-long with Chris on Tuesday, July 10 at 10 a.m.
Sign up here by Monday, July 9.
Let’s move, shake and sing ourselves into the best Tuesday ever on July 10!